For these gingerbread canapés with Tarragon goat Chantilly, you shouldn’t struggle too long to prepare your Christmas appetizers – if everything goes according to the plan -! Some readers might start to know me now, it’s once again a sweet & sour recipe. But let’s admit it, the mix gingerbread/goat cheese is an all-time winner.
I had to test the recipe a few times before to finally obtain the result I was waiting for regarding the gingerbread texture: I first wanted to pile up 2 slices of flattened gingerbread on each other, mostly to get a sturdier base. In the meantime, I realised that piling them up was ending in a quite heavy results for “just” an appetizer. Most of all, the bottom was too thick to get the crunchiness I was expecting for. Spoiler: I shot the recipe pictures after the very first trial! Regarding the cooking process, I’m lucky to now have a gas stove, which is the holy grail for any cook when it comes to use the cooking plates, but quite frankly not so much when it comes to use the oven. I’m still struggling so far to get the right settings to obtain what I expect, mostly for baking: the crusts don’t get golden enough and the cooking time is pretty long compared to “normal” electric oven. Then I had to go re-test the recipe at my boyfriend’s with another kind of oven, just to be entirely sure that my indications wouldn’t be biased by my gas oven.
The canapés are quite big though, which make them filling enough to have just one per person, especially if you’re having other small appetizers in the same time. For those who want it, you can also add a bacon chips on each canapé to add a smoky and more “meaty” touch.
For more recipe ideas for Christmas and other winter celebrations, don’t forget to take a look at the winter & Christmas recipe page!
- 12 gingerbread slices
- 250g soft goat cheese
- 70ml single cream (32%)
- 2 handfuls of fresh tarragon
- 4 dried figs
- Balsamico cream
- Salt & pepper
- 1. Prepare the tarragon cream: in a pan, heat single cream. When it starts to simmer, turn off fire and add freshly wash and cut tarragon. Cover and let infuse for about 15 minutes, then remove tarragon and put the infused cream in fridge.
- 2. Preheat oven to 200C. Using a rolling pin, flatten each gingerbread slice so that it doesn't exceed 2-3mm thickness.
- 3. Take a muffin tray and delicately arrange each slice in a hole. The slices should look like cups once arranged. Put in the oven for about 10min at 200C. The gingerbread canapés should be golden and crunchy when ready. Remove from oven and cool down.
- 4. Take the infused cream from fridge (it should be cold). Pour in a salad bowl and whip with a pinch of salt until it turns into chantilly consistency. Add progressively goat cheese, slightly softened with a fork beforehand.
- 5. Using a spoon or a piping bag, add some tarragon goat chantilly on each gingerbread canapé. Drizzle with some balsamico cream, then top with a slice of dried fig. Sprinkle some salt and pepper if needed. as well as extra tarragon.